26/2/2016DuPont to co-locate research activities at the RWTH Aachen University Aachen, Germany, 26 February –DuPont Performance Materials (DPM) has announced that it will extend its existing partnership with the Aachen Centre for Integrative Lightweight Production (AZL) to a “Premium Partnership” and for the first time ever will co-locate its research activities on the RWTH Aachen University campus. The AZL is one of the university’s more than 260 institutes.
15/12/2015New DuPont™ Kalrez® Spectrum™ Stands up to Gas Sweetening Processes Today, oil refineries and gas plants around the world are processing crude oil and natural (sour) gas containing higher concentrations of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) than ever before. At the same time, global environmental standards demand progressive reduction of H2S content in gas and oil based end-products.
2/12/2015DuPont At Interplastica: Shaping The Polymers Industry Since 1935 Geneva, December 2015. The DuPont exhibit at Interplastica 2016 will demonstrate how DuPont has shaped the polymers industry since it invented nylon in 1935 and modified it to become the world’s first true engineering-grade polymer several years later.
16/11/2015DuPont Board of Directors Names Edward D. Breen Chair and CEO The DuPont board of directors today announced it has named Edward D. Breen the company’s chair and chief executive officer (CEO), effective immediately. Breen has served as interim chair and CEO of DuPont since October 16, 2015, and joined the company’s board in February 2015.