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When It Comes to Campus Crises, College Communications Staffs Plan, React, and Fret |
For The Chronicle of Higher Education, Vice President for Communication Teresa Flannery was featured for her leadership in crisis communications efforts at American University. Flannery said, “When something breaks, everything has to shift. Then we're allocating time from other communication priorities to pay attention to whatever the issue du jour is.” Flannery also emphasized the importance of being prepared and responsive as issues arise. (10/9) |
Faculty Authors
How Social Media Undermined Egypt's Democratic Transition |
Communication Professor Deen Freelon co-authored an article for The Washington Post on social media's effect on Egypt's transition to democracy. Freelon wrote, “We argue that social media challenges democratic consolidation by accelerating and intensifying dangerous trends such as polarization, fear and dehumanization of rivals.” (10/7) |
Moment of Truth for GOP After Trump Video Scandal and His Threat to Imprison Clinton |
For Marketwatch, Director of the Politics, Policy and Law Scholars Program Chris Edelson authored an op-ed about developments in Donald Trump's campaign. Edelson wrote, “Supporters who have chanted ‘lock her up' surely exulted when their candidate promised to do just that to his opponent. To others, though, Trump's threat crossed a line and posed a threat to democracy itself.” (10/10) |
The Colombian Referendum: A Lesson on Peace Without Justice |
Paul Williams, Rebecca Grazier Professor of Law and International Relations, authored an op-ed for The Huffington Post on the Colombian referendum. Williams wrote, “Some criticism of the hybrid accountability framework proposed in the Colombian peace deal stems from concerns that neither those most responsible for the crimes committed during the conflict nor those who carried out the most serious crimes would be held sufficiently accountable.” (10/7) |
Putin Ally Says U.S. Electing Clinton Would Mean War |
James Goldgeier, dean of the School of International Service, spoke with CNN about U.S.-Russian relations in the context of the presidential election and commented on the involvement of Russia in cyber attacks on the Democratic party. Goldgeier said, “It's extraordinary for a foreign leader to go to these lengths to interfere in an American election.” (10/13) |
Trump's Waves of Bluster Against Clinton Erode Democracy, Experts Say |
For The New York Times, Adrienne LeBas, professor of public affairs, spoke about Donald Trump. LeBas called Trump's comments “a threat to the rule of law, a threat to the stability of our institutions, a threat to basic agreements that are necessary for democracy to function.” (10/11) |
Donald Trump and The Media |
For WTMJ-AM Milwaukee, Leonard Steinhorn, public communication professor, spoke about the presidential race. Steinhorn said, “The media has been played by Donald Trump and you can't fault him. He is using the medium that he gained great exposure to drive the discussion and the narrative.” (10/10) |
Trump: Make America Great Again (And Stay at My Hotel!) |
Distinguished Professor of History Allan Lichtman spoke to the Washington Post about the lack of precedent of a presidential candidate promoting his business ventures on the campaign trail. Lichtman said, “He‘s really the only candidate to do that in modern history.” Lichtman also appeared on BBC World Service, CNN and CNBC to discuss the presidential election. (10/12) |
Apple, Samsung Square Off in Supreme Court |
Christine Haight Farley, professor of law, spoke with WNYC-FM about Samsung's patent case. Farley said, “What Samsung is arguing is that the verdict is ridiculous because it compensates Apple for all of the profits that they made to 11 of their phones.” (10/11) |
The Armys Unbalanced Budget Woes |
For Federal News Radio, Nora Bensahel, distinguished scholar-in-residence, and retired Lt. Gen. David Barno, a distinguished practitioner, both in the School of International Service, spoke about the future of the army. They said, “The biggest change that we need to make is how to better integrate active, Army National Guard and Army Reserve.” (10/11) |
Maroons Little Told Legacy of Lowcountry Plantation Days |
Anthropology Department Chair Daniel Sayers spoke to The Post and Courier about the legacy of maroons. Sayers said, “The stories have been shortchanged in the biased traditional histories written largely by whites, which played up the contributions of abolitionists and white Underground Railroad harborers.” (10/11) |
America Votes: Presidential Town Hall Showdown |
Public Communication Professor Robert Lehrman spoke to CBC News Network about the Presidential town hall debate format and which 2016 candidate will succeed in the intimate setting speaking to American voters. (10/9) |