Newsfeed Top Stories
Black Students Are Less Likely to Get Suspended When They Have Black Teachers |
For The Huffington Post, Constance Lindsay, assistant professor of public affairs, talked about her co-authored study on teacher demographics and student discipline in elementary schools in North Carolina. Lindsay said, “We cut the data a few different ways and it's consistent with different types of school, whether suburban or urban.” This story also ran in Atlanta Black Star and Daily Mail among other publications. (11/1) |
Scholarship Rewards Students Looking to Change the World |
Black Enterprise featured a story about the prestigious Frederick Douglass Distinguished Scholars program at AU. The author wrote, “One aspect of this program that I love is its emphasis on addressing the world's most pressing needs. The FDDS program seeks students who are committed to social justice and the advancement of under-resourced and underserved communities.” (11/2) |
Washington Trails the Country in Its Representation of Women in the Boardroom |
The Washington Post covered Kogod School of Business Assistant Dean Jill Klein's work on a study of gender diversity on corporate boards in D.C., Maryland and Virginia. The study, commissioned by Women in Technology, found the Washington area continues to lag the country in its representation of women on corporate boards. Klein said, “This is not about tokens. It's about the ability of people from different backgrounds and experiences to work together.” (11/3) |
Therapy Dogs on the Quad |
NBC-WRC 4 covered an event on AU's campus featuring therapy dogs. AU's Director of Counseling Center Traci Callandrillo discussed how the dogs help relieve students' stress. “It doesn't come with a stigma attached because so many people love animals and love the opportunity to play with dogs,” she said. (11/3) |
Faculty Authors
Trump, A Monster of Our Own Making |
Journalism Professor Angie Chuang wrote an op-ed for the Huffington Post about the media's use of false balance when covering Donald Trump. Chuang explains the “news media should learn an important lesson from presidential candidate Trump and move away from high-conflict, low-cost models of coverage.” (11/2) |
Science Says This Much Halloween Candy Could Kill You |
Chemistry Professor Matt Hartings talked with ABCNews (Online) about a video the American Chemical Society produced for Halloween. “The danger is eating it all at once,” said Hartings, explaining an ACS formula that calculates acute toxicity based on how much candy one consumes. (10/31) |
Growing Number of American Girls Question School Dress Codes |
With Voice of America, Lauren Weis, director of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, discussed school dress codes. Weis explained that some dress codes “sexualize and demean girls' bodies because they assume that girls and their bodies are a distraction or a temptation to male students.” (10/31) |
A Brief History of 'Spooktacular' |
For a story in The Atlantic, Center for Teaching, Research and Learning Director Naomi Baron discussed the staying power of the use of the word “spooktacular,” during Halloween. (10/28) |
Issues that Affect Voters by Generation |
Leonard Steinhorn, public communication professor, spoke to WUSA 9's Great Day Washington about the top issues important to Baby Boomers. Steinhorn moderated a conversation with local baby boomers about issues facing the country and their concerns for future generations. (11/2) |
Negative Tone Threatens to Put Off Some Voters |
Public Communication Professor Robert Lehrman talked to Feature Story News about the negative tone of the 2016 presidential election. Lehrman spoke about the Clinton campaign's handling of Hillary Clinton's emails and the belittling statements against women, people with disabilities and gold star families made by Donald Trump on the campaign trail. (10/31) |
2016 Election |
School of Communication Dean Jeffrey Rutenbeck and School of Public Affairs Dean Barbara Romzek cohosted a discussion with pollsters Margie Omero and Kristen Soltis Anderson about the 2016 presidential race. Molly O'Rourke, political communication professor, and Betsy Fischer Martin, executive-in-residence, moderated. (11/1) |
How Women Could Vote Hillary Clinton Into the White House |
Jennifer Lawless, director of the Women & Politics Institute, spoke with The Guardian about the importance of the female vote and impact of Donald Trump's leaked audio. Lawless said, “.. the tape gave a lot of Republican political elites ammunition to say, ‘vote your conscience' and that freed up people who might be loyal partisans to reconsider.” (11/3) |
As Election Day Draws Near, Some U.S. Militias Are Drawing Guns |
Carolyn Gallaher, associate professor at the School of International Service, spoke to The Christian Science Monitor about potential right-wing militia mobilization on election day. Gallaher said, "In many respects, the militia movement was suspicious of the system. The fact that they're now working to 'monitor' the election is significant." (11/3) |
A Cheat Sheet Guide to Who Controls the Internet |
Slate named Communications Professor Laura DeNardis a key player in the internet governance debate. DeNardis is named alongside Mark Zuckerberg, Senator Ted Cruz and China President Xi Jinping. (11/1) |
Who Will President Obama Pardon Before Leaving Office? |
Jeffrey Crouch, an assistant professor of American Politics in SPExS, spoke with Ozy on the presidential pardon and why high-profile pardons are unlikely. Crouch believes that President Obama will instead continue to prioritize clemency for nonviolent drug offenders. (10/31) |
Bonus Clip
Why I - And 11 Million Americans - Aren't Voting |
AU Alumnus Julián Gustavo Gómez authored an op-ed about the meaning of citizenship and why he can't vote in the historic election of 2016 because he is an undocumented citizen. Gómez wrote, “The stakes of this election are high, so if you are eligible to vote, I implore you to register to vote, get out and vote on November 8th or vote early, and use your vote to fight for those of us who can't.” |