Top Stories Additional Feature Faculty Authors Expertise Bonus Clips
AU Newsmakers 9.20-9.27, 2019
Top Stories
American U. Receives $7M Donation from Meltzers
The Washington Business Journal featured the Meltzer family's $7 million gift for the creation of a new Center for Athletic Performance and to fund a new fellowship at the Center for Israel Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences. The story was also featured in WTOP-FM online. (9/23)
American University Experts Discuss the Impeachment Inquiry
Keith Darden, associate professor in the School of International Service, spoke to The Associated Press about President Trump's phone call to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy. Darden's interview appeared in 200 outlets, including The New York Times. James Goldgeier, professor in the School of International Service, wrote an article for The Washington Post about the impeachment inquiry. School of International Service Professorial Lecturer Garret Martin spoke to CBC News. Chris Edelson, assistant professor of public affairs, and Capri Cafaro, executive-in-residence in the School of Public Affairs, spoke to The Christian Science Monitor. Distinguished Professor of History Allan Lichtman wrote an article for The New York Daily News, spoke to PBS NewsHour Online and CBC Online, and appeared on CTV, Al Jazeera English and CNN International to discuss impeachment. (9/20, 9/23, 9/24, 9/25)
American University Creates Sustainable Future
WRC-NBC4 featured American University's sustainability efforts, including its carbon neutrality status. Students, staff and faculty discussed the various ways AU has taken steps to become more sustainable and to incorporate sustainability into campus life. (9/20)

Additional Feature
A 21st-Century Voting Rights Act
Robert Tsai, professor in the Washington College of Law, spoke to Politico about what he perceived was the major problem affecting democracy in America today. Tsai said, “My solution is to do something to limit the ability of states to purge people from the voter rolls, as well as to deal with the problem of felon disenfranchisement.” (9/20)

Faculty Authors
Internet Censorship Could Happen More Than One Way
Washington College of Law Professor Jennifer Daskal wrote an article for The Atlantic about the use of the European Union's ‘right to be forgotten.' Daskal wrote, “The decision also appears to set a precedent for restraint.” (9/25)
Why a Marshall Plan for Central America Will Fuel More Violence
Jessica Trisko Darden, assistant professor in the School of International Service, wrote an article for The Hill about Julian Castro's proposed Marshall Plan for Central America. Trisko Darden wrote, “Pumping economic aid into countries that are already among the most violent in the world is likely to only make matters worse.” She also wrote a letter-to-the-editor about foreign assistance to Syria for the Economist. (9/23)

Vox Acquires New York Media – and Pitches a Happy Marriage
Associate Professor of Communication Jane Hall spoke to The Washington Post about the Vox and New York Media merger. Hall said, “This sounds as if it could be a ‘good merger' for once, not one that is cheered by Wall Street because they're going to lay off hundreds of people.” (9/25)
O.K. Hand Sign Added to Anti-Defamation League's List of Hate Symbols
Cynthia Miller-Idriss, professor of sociology and education, spoke to The New York Times about the use of memes and symbols by white supremacy groups. Miller-Idriss said, “It is part of the story of the rise of white extremists, but you cannot say that every person who shares one of those memes is going to end up a violent white extremist.” Miller-Idriss's expertise was also cited in a Washington Post article about the need for new strategies to combat the growth of these groups. (9/26, 9/24)
Why Some D.C. Residents Want Landmark Status for a Public Housing Complex
Derek Hyra, associate professor of public affairs, spoke to The Washington Post about debates in the District over preserving historically black neighborhoods. Hyra said, “How do you upgrade the area while keeping the historical legacy? If you do that, it minimizes the cultural displacement. I'm not sure the city is thinking about that.” (9/21)
Will U.S. Republicans Feel the Heat from Climate Change?
Paul Bledsoe, adjunct professorial lecturer in the School of Public Affairs, spoke to AFP about the Republican Party's response to climate change. Bledsoe said, “Republicans are getting very nervous about their lack of any serious policy on climate change.” The article appeared in 12 outlets, including the Voice of America. (9/21)
China: Why Taiwan Is Unfinished Business for Xi Jinping
Joseph Torigian, assistant professor in the School of International Service, spoke to The Financial Times about Taiwan's role in Xi Jinping's vision of a unified China. Torigian said, “Xi believes in the CCP as a righteous force in Chinese history, one that is on the right side of history.” (9/22)
Tim Ryan Insists Struggling Campaign Is 'Just Getting Started'
Jason Mollica, professorial lecturer in the School of Communication, spoke to Spectrum News about Tim Ryan's presidential campaign. (9/23)

Bonus Clips
Uber Drive Banned After Kicking Lesbian Couple out of Car
Kogod School of Business Assistant Professor Chris Parker's research on bias in ride sharing was cited in an NBC News report earlier this month about an Uber driver being banned after an Uber driver berated and kicked a lesbian couple out of her car. The report says, “A 2018 study found drivers are more likely to cancel trips of users who appear to be LGBTQ or LGBTQ allies based on their profile photos on the app.” (9/9)
Helix Education Launches Alternative Technology Credential
Jill Klein, interim dean of the School of Professional and Extended Studies, appeared on the Enrollment Growth podcast to discuss AU's alternative technology credential developed in partnership with the D.C. CoLAB. Klein said, “The exciting part for us is we're actually able to turn around to the businesses, and frankly to families as well, and say what your student is doing in a liberal arts degree is preparing them for the workplace.” (9/18)

''Online, consumer'' news refers to online news outlets and blogs such as Huffington Post, NY Times
"Online, consumer" news refers to online news outlets and blogs such as Huffington Post, NY Times
Both charts are based on the week's Newsmakers highlights only, not total AU Mentions for the week
Both charts are based on the week's Newsmakers highlights only, not total AU Mentions for the week

Prepared by University Communications

American University's faculty, staff, students and programs appear in regional, national and international print, online and broadcast media regularly. Each week, AU Newsmakers provides highlights of AU in the news. For prior weeks, go to:

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